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When faced with a question about your museum, sometimes you need a little information, and sometimes you need a lot.  The resources compiled here by IAM is just a snapshot of what's available online and in print.  If you would prefer to speak with someone in person about your concerns, contact your regional representative within IAM (found here) or send us a message (found here).  We will be sure to put you in touch with the resources you need. 


If you have a favorite resource, let us know by email and we will add it here.  


One of the perks of membership is our library of  previous IAM Connects Programs. As a resource only available for members you'll need a password to access the videos. Contact IAM for a password. 


You can also find resources related to America's 250th Anniversary here

Funding and Grant Resources 

Museums Advocacy

Museum Advocacy

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Idaho Heritage Trust

IHT offers grants for the preservation of sites and items of historical and cultural significance. 


Institute for Museum & Library Services

In 2020, the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) awarded $280.6 million through grantmaking, research and policy development, to advance, support, and empower America's museums, libraries, and related organizations.


Idaho Commission of the Arts

Grants for artists, organizations and educators. 


Idaho Humanities Council

IHC offers grants to support projects involving Idaho citizens that focus on literature, history, philosophy, art history, archaeology, and other humanities disciplines.

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Western History Association

The Autry Public History Prize is awarded annually to media exhibits, public programs, or written works that contribute to a broader public reflection and appreciation of the past.


Idaho Power Community Contributions

Funding to qualified local 501(c)(3) agencies that provide health services and human services support.


Idaho State Historical Society

The Idaho State Historical Society serves the history needs of the entire state.  Click below for a complete list of grants. 


National Endowment for the Humanities

Grant awards support the preservation of historic collections, humanities exhibitions and documentaries, scholarly research, and curriculum projects.


Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts

Offer a limited number of subsidized assessments for collecting institutions nationwide.

Click below for links to helpful documents created by IAM and links to other resources.  

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Idaho Museums Matter


Infographic of Idaho Museums impact on the state. 

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Federal Funding Formula in Idaho


Infographic of funding that creates value for Idaho, Organizations and Idahoans. 

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AAM Advocacy Day

Web Page

Many resources on how to advocate for museums in your community and nationally.

Museums for All

Web Page

Through Museums for All, those receiving food assistance (SNAP benefits) can gain free or reduced admission to more than 600 museums throughout the United States.


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Museum Learning Hub

Web Page

Check out free, self paced training resources for small museums. Expert tips, online trainings, and digital toolkits at your fingertips.


Connecting to Collections

Web Page

Resources, professional development opportunities, and support for caring for collections to all types of small to mid-sized cultural institutions.


Western Museum Association

Web Page

Exchange ideas and best practices, network with colleagues, and learn from each other by attending valuable sessions.

IAM Pennywise Article Archive 

Interested in collections ideas on a budget? Check out past Pennywise articles written by pervious IAM Board member Michelle Wallace, Curator, High Desert Curation.


Affordable Shelving




Mobil Art Storage




Textile Storage




Re-purposing Storage Shelving



© 2022 Idaho Association of Museums. Created with

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