Updated! Discover Idaho Museums Brochure
One of the perks of IAM membership is the opportunity to be featured in a statewide brochure of all Idaho museums.
Those interested in being listed in the updated edition of the "Discover Idaho Museums" brochure, please email idahomuseums@gmail.com with the subject line: IAM Brochure.
Not a member of IAM? Join today for only $10 by clicking here: https://www.idahomuseums.org/membership
Awards in Excellence
IAM would like to recognize the outstanding leadership and achievements of Idaho Museums as they serve their local communities. By recognizing superior and innovative efforts, the IAM Awards of Excellence winners serve as models and inspirations for others in Idaho. Recipients will receive recognition at the IAM Annual Meeting and will be featured on the IAM website, newsletter, and social media outlets. They will also receive a monetary award to use for their museum in the amount of $250.
IAM invites you to submit nominations for awards in any or all of the categories listed below for any size institution. You may nominate yourself or your institution. Awards of Excellence are open to current IAM members only.
Museum of Excellence – To a museum that has exhibited excellence in its work, including in the areas of collection, preservation, research, interpretation, and education.
Leadership of Excellence – To an individual who has exhibited leadership qualities by achieving excellence in his or her work in a museum, including in the areas of collection, preservation, research, interpretation, and education.
Volunteerism of Excellence- To an individual or board, who has demonstrated exemplary service and leadership qualities by achieving excellence in their service to the museum.
Program of Excellence - To an individual, team or museum who has achieved excellence with a museum program, resource, or media piece, including a museum outreach program done within the community.
To nominate a museum or individual, please fill out the form found here and upload a nomination letter, including why you are submitting their nomination. Submit by October 31st for consideration. The recipients will be announced at the IAM Annual Meeting on November 18th via zoom
Introducing IAM Connects
IAM Connects are virtual roundtable discussions open to all IAM members. IAM board members and members gather virtually to share resources and discuss themes relevant to Idaho museums and their staff and volunteers. IAM board members are pleased to host these conversations via Zoom and record them so that they can continue to be a resource to IAM members in the future.
IAM members can view previous event recordings here. Contact IAM for a current password here.
Network with colleagues, right from your computer!
IAM's Listserv is now live and all members are invited to join this email distribution group. Ask a question about collection care, seek advice on how to recruit new volunteers, and solicit tips on hosting a successful fundraiser. If you've been wondering how others handle the challenges of running a museum in Idaho, just ask!
Access to this Listserv is a member benefit. For more information or to sign up for a membership, CLICK HERE.
To find out more about the IAM Listserv and access a step-by-step guide on how to sign-up, vist our website HERE.